Gabung semua file TS dalam 1 folder menjadi 1 file Video

Gabungkan semua file ts ke dalam 1 file dengan ffmpeg

@echo off

REM Define the directory to search for .ts files
set "directory=."

REM Define the output file
set "inputfile=sorted_ts_files.txt"

REM List all .ts files, sort them, and output to the text file
dir /b "%directory%\*.ts" | sort > "%inputfile%"

REM Notify the user
echo Sorted list of .ts files has been saved to %inputfile%

REM Define the input and output files
set "inputfile=sorted_ts_files.txt"
set "concatfile=concat_list.txt"
set "outputfile=output.ts"

REM Check if the input file exists
if not exist "%inputfile%" (
    echo Input file %inputfile% does not exist.
    exit /b 1

REM Create the concat file for ffmpeg
echo Creating concat file for ffmpeg...
> "%concatfile%" (
    for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%inputfile%") do echo file '%%a'

REM Join the video files using ffmpeg
echo Joining video files...
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i "%concatfile%" -c copy "%outputfile%"

REM Cleanup
del "%concatfile%"
del "%inputfile%"
echo Done. The output file is %outputfile%.
